Gemara Menukad e-form for current members

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Use this convienent  form to order your Gemara Shabbos Menukad directly by e-mail (without paypal), using your Visa, M/C or Amex:
Even if you paid thru PayPal, you should submit this form to provide us with additional details.
Special offer for current members: Gemara Menukad $20 - FREE Shipping!
(select from the following available Gemaros: Berachos, Shabbos, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, and Makos)
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*  After completing form, don't forget to press "submit" button on bottom right corner.

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Email address:

Please send me Gemara Menukad 


$20 Total Charge for current Members

Please allow 3 weeks for delivery

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American Express Card
I paid thru PayPal
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Al Hadaf * POB 791 * Monsey NY, 10952 *  Ph. 845-356-9114 *