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for approx. 12 24-page issues!


By regular US FIRST CLASS mail: $50,  Canada-$60,  Overseas-$70

Note: If you pay for regular mail version you are entitled to receive the e-mail version at no extra charge! Just indicate on our e-form that you are interested in receiving the e-mail version too.


$25 to receive only e-mail version (w/o regular mail),

pdf. format - full issue e-mailed every 2 weeks.



There are 2 convenient ways to Subscribe or Renew:


1. PayPal: This is a good option whether you have a PayPal account or not. There is an option on the PayPal page to pay by credit card, so if you are not a PayPal member, just click on the "Pay by Credit Card" option. Click on links below to pay through PayPal. Please note that the link might not work unless you disable pop-up blocker. If the link doesn't work, try clicking on the AD BLOCK icon on the top right side of your screen, and click to "allow pop-ups for this site" OR JUST CLICK ON "PAY THROUGH PAYPAL" tab on sidebar on the left.



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2. Mail a check, made out to "Al Hadaf"  (or mail your credit card details) to our office.  For your convenience we have provided  this printable order form .

 Mail to: Al Hadaf, PO Box 791, Monsey, NY, 10952



Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to email us at or call our office 845.356.9114.


If you wish to order a gift subscription for a friend, we can include notification of your gift with the first issue sent to your friend.  Just include the details (including your name, the name of the recipient, their address etc., and a personal message to them, if you wish) on your order form.


Al Hadaf * POB 791 * Monsey NY, 10952 *  Ph. 845-356-9114 *